Wednesday 28 January 2015

Ageing In Theatre

Although a close up look at theatrical ageing doesn't look 100% realistic, it is necessary for the stage as the audience are so far away from the characters. We first got shown the step by step by our teacher, who introduced some new equipment such as the black stipple sponge to create a broken vein effect. 

You will need:
pointy brush
supra colour
foundation palette
foundation brush
disposable mascara wand
black stipple sponge
baby buds

When you're ageing you have to look at the script to see how old the character is so you can work out how much ageing is necessary. In our case we were creating an old hag so the look is very extreme. 

1. Put on a base
2. Put moisturiser in the lid of the palette
3. everybody’s face is different they use red, green and yellow to create a brown. Add a bit of black to darken the brown.
4. add a tiny bit of moisturiser and use the back of your hand
5. follow the natural lines, make your model pull faces; raise eyebrows, smile, suck in cheeks, screw eyebrows and eyes up, cupids bow, thin nose, under lip.
6. smudge with your finger
7. highlight the remaining areas
8. mixing white with a small amount of yellow get down to the root of the brow using a mascara wand and on the ends of the lashes.
9. screw lips up and use a little bit of base to thin the lips
10. use a black stipple with a tiny bit of red and purple stipple the cheeks, nose and chin.
11. dry tooth with a baby bud

12. paint on tooth with a baby bud

This is what I created on my partner.

Although I enjoyed the experience in class I wanted to try again at home as I don't feel my lines were intricate enough and they needed a little more practise. I looked up some youtube tutorials and then recreated the look on myself. 

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