Tuesday 10 February 2015


plasto- Moulding wax
latex or sealer over wax
mastics- holds the wax
bruise wheels and cuts and brusies wheels
moisturiser blends black eye edges 
stippling sponge
wound filler
Ben Nye palettes
non flexible collodion
Barrier cream
Hair dryer 

palette knife
liquid latex
wound filler
stipple sponge
fake blood
optional- puss

1. Get a small amount of wax out of the tub using a palette knife, and warm up on the back of your hand to make it easy to manipulate. 
2. apply to the area where you want the wound, building up in the centre and blending out the sides.
3. If you have to layer on more wax, use a small amount of cleanser so that the wax doesn't stick to the "wound" and pulls off. 
4. Make sure the edges are all blended into the skin, then wipe the wax off the palette knife and slit the wound.
5. To seal the wound apply liquid latex, dry with a hair dryer on cool with backwards and forwards motions. 
6. Using a baby bud apply latex around the edges and blend out. This has to be a quick process as latex will dry quickly. This will keep the wax in place.
7. Using a pin you can now pick at the edges of the cut, which will make the wound look more natural as skin wouldn't be straight at the edge of a cut. 
8. If your models skin is a different colour to the wound apply a base. 
9. Using a spatula add some wound filler, then using a pin to move it around.
10. You can use a stipple sponge to add fake blood in and around the wound. You can also add puss at this point if necessary. 

If it is a scratch you can use a stipple sponge and stipple blood onto the skin and drag.

Black Eyes
You can use red eye drops. You can also use Kryolan pencil in crimson to create red eyes. You use the Ben Nye palettes to create the bruises and work off photos for realism. If you want a fresh bruise you use more purples, blues and reds and for older bruises you use more yellows and browns. You can use a stipple sponge and red to look like broken veins. Don’t powder bruises, for realism you can add Vaseline to make the bruise look swollen.
cleanser, toner, moisturiser
Ben Nye Bruise palette
stipple sponge
vaseline or 8 hour cream

Consultation Notes:
Model Layna- 19 - Female 
Pale complexion with yellow undertone.
Dry skin.  
No allergies to products. 

1. Cleanse, Tone and moisturise the face for a clean base. 
2. Choose whether you are doing a fresh or old bruise. In this picture I am doing a ageing bruise. 
3. Start with the lighter tones and get darker. You can use your finger or a sponge however I prefer using my hands as it warms the product and blends more easily. I started with yellows, then browns and added a few blue/purple tones to the areas that would have the most impact. 
4. make sure the colours are blended into the skin at the edges. 
5. To finish, add some vaseline or 8 hour cream to give the bruise a swollen effect. 

You can get dirt from makeup shops. If you to create a dirt effect on hands use a tiny bit of moisturiser mix up the brown colour or use a hairspray. Make sure they bend the fingers when applying then rub in. 

Dust and mud
Use Fullers earth for dust or add water to create mud. 

1. Clean the area of skin you want the scar applied to. Also make sure the nib of the TuPlast is clear. 
2. Apply TuPlast by dragging the nozzle across the skin. 
3. Once dry it is optional to make it look rougher using a pin. 
4. Make up the area as usual. 

Split lip
1. Apply barrier cream on the area you are using.
2. Tip the head, and paint on the collodion on the area you applied the barrier cream.
3. Dent and shape the “wound” with the spatula and by pinching the skin. Dry with a hair dryer if necessary.
4. Repeat layers until happy with the finished product. 

Top Tips
If it’s a new cut use light blood
If it’s a old cut use dark blood
Take note where the character has been hurt for continuity 
If you are using liquid to create dripping blood, position the person before applying it.
Always research real cuts so yours can look realistic. You can also look at what accidents cause what injuries and what weapons cause what injuries. 
If your character has a broken nose they would have 2 black eyes
Non flexible collodion- put barrier under collodion
If you are doing a wound put the make up on first

If you are creating a black eye you put the base on first 

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