Tuesday 10 February 2015

Rashes/Dry Skin/Illness

Old age stipple
Tear sticks
Supra colour palette
Water spray
Brill cream- greasing down hair
Dry shampoo- grey hair, dulls hair
Water or glisareen- for sweat (look to see where you would sweat)
Eye drops packet
Red eye drops- foxes or screen face
Kryolan pencil- scarlet or carmine 

Consultation Notes:
-Georgia- 18- Female
Combination Skin
Pale Complexion pink undertones
no Allergies to products

Health and Safety checks:
- Is the client allergic to anything.
- Do they have any skin conditions/infections.
- sanitise your own hands before working on the client.
- Use a spatula to remove product from palettes.
- Brushes cleaned after every use.

1. Prep the skin, Cleanse, tone and moisturise.
2. Put barrier cream onto the skin where you would like the rash. 
3. Put the old age stipple into a bowl. Stipple the old age stipple all over the skin using a sponge and feather the edges, if you are doing round the eyes you must stretch the skin.
4. Using a hair dryer, with backwards and forwards motions, cool the old age stipple.
5. Layer as much as you like.
6. Using your fingers rub the spittle so it starts to peel off. You can pull certain areas to create large cuts.
7.  If there are any hard edges use a little bit of duo and smooth the edge.
8. Put make up over the top. You can use a slight bit of white into base with a tiny amount of yellow.
Make sure you cover everything.
9. Using a fine brush and mixing a blue/brown colour blend out around the eyes. Add some red under the eye for a tired effect.
10. Paint in the wounds with some red, to create a more realistic colour you can mix a light or a dark colour. If the colour isn’t realistic dull it down a bit using a cotton bud.
11. Cover with powder to dry.
12. Can use Vaseline or blood in the cut areas for realism. 

Other Effects:
Measles or freckles
Mix some alcohol with the colour you want i.e. 2 red.
You can the flick the colour off the brush. 

Vaseline, Bryllcreen, Glycerin
Base foundation
1. Mix a pale base using white and yellow tones.
2. Make the eyes look tired by using blues and browns to make the area look more translucent.
3. Don't powder! Using your fingers put red where you would if you were ill (nose, cheeks, chin)
4. use Vaseline, bryllcreen or Glycerin for a sweat effect.
5. Wet the hair and face for sweat effect. 

Cracked lips
Put duo on the lips using a stipple sponge. 
Wait for it to dry then crack it.
If they are meant to be really sore you can add blood. 

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